Travel Reference
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Faith & Society in Jorda Islam is the predominant religion in Jordan but
it is not the only religion - around 6% of the
population are Christian. This mixed inherit-
ance, together with a long tradition of hosting
visitors, has led Jordanians to be tolerant to-
wards those of other beliefs and customs.
It's probably fair to say that there is not the
same overt dedication to faith as one sees in
neighbouring countries such as Saudi Arabia,
nor the exuberant outpouring of Islamic culture seen in the mosques and fine arts of Syria.
However, this doesn't mean that Islam is any less central to Jordanian life. Islam governs
what people wear, how they plan their lives, how they settle their disputes and spend their
money. It gives a purpose for being and gives shape to the future. In other words, faith and
culture seamlessly combine in Jordan, giving people a shared ethic upon which society is
For a visitor to Jordan, understanding the country's predominantly Muslim roots will
help make sense of certain customs and manners. In turn, it guides in appropriate conduct
and minimises the chance of giving offence.
The words al-hamdu lillah (thanks be to god) fre-
quently lace sentences in which good things are re-
lated and the words in sha' Allah (god willing)
mark all sentences that anticipate the future. These
expressions are not just linguistic decoration, they
demonstrate a deep connection between society and
People of the Topic
Founded seven centuries after the birth of Christ, Islam shares a common heritage with the
two other great monotheistic faiths, Judaism and Christianity. For Muslims, Islam is the
apogee of the monotheistic faiths but they traditionally attribute a place of great respect to
Christians and Jews, whom they consider Ahl al-kitab ( the People of the Book).
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