Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
c 284-305
The Romans build the Strata Diocletian linking Azraq with Damascus and the Eu-
phrates. A string of forts in the Eastern Desert shores up the rim of the empire.
Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity. Christianity becomes the dominant reli-
gion of the Byzantine Empire and many churches are built. Madaba becomes the focus
of pilgrim trails to Jerusalem.
Emperor Heraclius forces invading Persians to make peace; despite this victory Byzan-
tine Christian rule in the Trans-Jordan soon ends. A storm is brewing in Arabia, bring-
ing Islam in its wake.
Muslim forces lose the Battle of Mu'tah against Christians. After Prophet Mo-
hammed's death (632), they win the decisive Battle of Yarmouk (636) and Islam be-
comes the region's dominant religion.
c 700
The Umayyads from Syria overtake the region and build some extraordinary bath-
houses, hunting lodges and fortified meeting places (known today as 'Desert Castles')
in the arid desert east of Amman.
An earthquake shatters northern Jordan and Syria, weakening the Umayyads' hold on
power. They're replaced by the Abbasids, signalling a period of Persian cultural dom-
inance and less tolerance towards Christianity.
Pope Urban II sparks a 'holy war' in revenge for church destruction by Seljuks and to
protect pilgrim routes to the Holy Land. Crusaders soon capture Jerusalem, slaughter-
ing countless inhabitants.
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