Travel Reference
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Alameleh inscriptions
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Thamudic and Nabataean inscriptions, depicting camel caravans, hunting warriors and
various animals, are common throughout the Wadi Rum area. The Alameleh inscriptions,
near to the Seven Pillars of Wisdom and on the edge of the Diseh district, are some of the
most comprehensive and best preserved.
Anfaishiyya inscriptions
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Another wonderful set, the Anfaishiyya inscriptions are scratched into the smooth surface
of a huge, vertical rock face.
Dusk and dawn are the most magical (and cooler) times to be in the desert. The best vantage points differ according
to the time of year but you can't go far wrong if you park yourself at Umm Sabatah . Jeep drivers can take you there
and either wait or pick you up later (they are reliable about such things); or arrange a sunset tour which can include
a traditional Bedouin dinner for a negotiable price. Ask at the visitor centre for details.
Rock Bridges
There are many chiselled rock formations in the area, where the wind has whittled away
the softer parts of the sandstone, leaving the tortured forms of harder rock behind. The
most striking of these formations are the rock bridges that arch from one rock mass to an-
other. You can see several of these bridges around the area but there are three famous
The largest of the three is the Burdah Rock Bridge Offline map , precariously
perched about 80m above surrounding rock. There's a precipitous hike to the summit.
The smaller Umm Fruth Rock Bridge Offline map is tucked away in a remote corner
of the desert and can easily be climbed without gear or a guide. It can be a busy spot at
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