Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting Around
Pretty much the only way to explore the Dead Sea Highway (Hwy 65) is with a car. The
Dead Sea Highway runs along the edge of the Dead Sea, between the honey-coloured
Moab Mountains and the distant cliffs of Judaea on the West Bank, and offers an interest-
ing alternative to the Desert Highway between Amman and Aqaba.
If you're not in a hurry, there are some spectacular roads ( Click here ) that link the
Dead Sea Highway with the King's Highway. With the intimate insight these roads afford
into Bedouin communities and striking desert landscape, they are almost destinations in
their own right.
The switchback roads that link the high ground with the low ground (often below sea level) are a highlight of
Jordan, especially if you are driving and can stop to admire the panoramic views. The roads twist through terraced
fields of onions, hug contours of sheep-cropped hills, edge past nomadic communities of Bedouin with their black
tents and attendant goats, before spiralling into a painted desert, vermilion with iron ore, olive green with copper ox-
ides and laced with hanging gardens. Here is a summary of the best of these drives. You won't find the roads indic-
ated on all maps but they are all well paved, suitable for a 2WD car (beware sharp bends) and usually marked 'Dead
Sea' or 'Wadi Araba' on signs. Remember to carry your passport with you as there are numerous checkpoints along
the roads to the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea Highway.
Salt to Dead Sea
1½ hours, 23km descent and 60km along the Jordan Valley
A varied drive along a busy road of Aleppo pines, red-barked strawberry trees and gardens of early-summer holly-
hocks, giving way to tamarisks and acacias. Let your brakes cool at the sea-level marker and enjoy the view of the
fertile Jordan Valley, lit up with flowering flame trees in May.
Follow signs for Zay National Park and Dayr 'Alla on Hwy 30 from Salt. Watch out for truck drivers on their mo-
bile phones on the hairpin bends! Add a 14km detour (well signposted) to Mountain Breeze Country Club for a tea
break. Notice the humidity and heat as you approach the Dead Sea.
Mt Nebo to Dead Sea Resorts
30 minutes, 21km
An easy drive, passing wildflowers and clumps of prickly pear, and driving through Bedouin grazing grounds before
descending to a colourful, semi-arid desert with spectacular Dead Sea views.
The start of the descent is to the left of the Mt Nebo entrance gate. After 14.5km, turn left for the Dead Sea re-
sorts or right for Bethany.
Madaba to Dead Sea Panoramic Complex
50 minutes (half-day with stops), 30km plus 5km return trip to Hammamat Ma'in
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