Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The biggest organization dealing with higher education in Europe is the
Institute of International Education (IIE), 809 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017 ( & 800/445-0443 or 212/883-8200; A few of
its booklets are free; for $47, plus $6 for postage, you can buy the definitive
Vacation Study Abroad. The Information Center in New York is open to the pub-
lic Tuesday through Thursday from 11am to 4pm. The institute is closed on
major holidays.
One well-recommended clearinghouse for academic programs throughout
the world is the National Registration Center for Study Abroad (NRCSA),
823 N. 2nd St., P.O. Box 1393, Milwaukee, WI 53203 ( & 414/278-7410; The organization maintains language study programs
throughout Europe.
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