Database Reference
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Click One-Way ANOVA to select it.
In the information pane, you have a fairly detailed description of how to use this test.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
In the work area, click the One-Way ANOVA container to select it.
In the Properties pane, change the Query property to Statistics_query .
Change the Bonferroni property to Ye s .
The Bonferroni range test compares the different campaigns in an attempt to find which
campaigns have means that are significantly different from each other.
From the Data Items tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag the following items into
the statistics container:
Gross profit into Dependent variable
Campaigns Only into Independent variable
Order number into Cases variable
From the Run menu, select Run Report - HTML to compare the dashboard to what's
shown in Figure 6.49. When prompted, select members 2004 , Camping Equipment ,
and Asia Pacific , along with the Analysis of Variance.
With a significance of .000, the ANOVA shows that there are significant differences
between the means of orders for all promotions. The Bonferroni post hoc range test
shows which campaigns performed significantly better than others. For example, the
TrailChef Campaign did significantly worse than the Rising Star Campaign when it
comes to generating a higher gross profit.
Close IBM Cognos Viewer to return to your query design.
Step 11: Create the Box Plot Chart
For the next type of statistical analysis, we want to show individual orders whose gross profit sig-
nificantly exceeds others within each campaign.
In the Explorer Bar , mouse over the Page Explorer tab and select the Report Pages
In the work area, copy and paste the Analysis of Variance page.
With the Analysis of Variance1 page selected, double-click the Render Variable prop-
erty in the Properties pane.
The Render Variable dialog box is displayed.
In the Render for pane, remove the check for option 2 .
Add a check for option 3 .
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