Database Reference
In-Depth Information
every single record as it is being pulled from the database. Every database record will be
Va l i d a t e t h e e x p r e s s i o n a n d c l i c k OK .
Rename the DataItem1 data item to Count .
From the To o l b o x tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag another Data Item into the
Data Items pane below the Count data item.
Create the following expression in the dialog box:
This expression will serve as a label for the unioned set that we will use as a column in a
crosstab or a chart.
Va l i d a t e t h e e x p r e s s i o n a n d c l i c k OK .
Rename the DataItem1 data item to Range .
From the To o l b o x tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag Filter object into the Detail
Filters pane.
The Detail Filter Expression dialog box is displayed.
Create the following expression:
We would like to optimize this query to deal with only the records that match our count
Va l i d a t e t h e e x p r e s s i o n s a n d c l i c k OK .
Our first query has been created.
From the Run menu, select View Tabular Data for results similar to those shown in
Figure 5.13.
Close the IBM Cognos Viewer window to return to IBM Cognos Report Studio.
NOTE We are using a building-block approach to solve a common report query prob-
lem. This approach is easy to follow and understand. However, in case your record
count is high, the database query that this report will generate may not be the most opti-
mized. By bringing in the date fields into the query, we are making the queries too
detailed, and some of the aggregation is happening after the records have been pulled
from the database.
The more efficient query would be to perform all the days between calculations and the if
then else logic of the record counter in one query calculation. The aggregation of the
query would have to be turned on and the Count calculation would have to use the Total
aggregate function. This will push all the query execution to the database level and the
query would return only one record, which would show the exact number of records that fit
the desired range of days it took to close the order.
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