Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.18
Completed employee expense report
Select the Existing... report template and click OK .
An Open dialog box is displayed.
Select HR List Template and click Open .
Now the template opens, but the report name in the title bar is set to New and there is a
package in the Insertable Objects pane.
We will be using the Employee expense (query) and Employee training (query)
namespaces inside the HR (query) folder.
Step 2: Set Up the Training by Manager Query
Even though the query items are coming from different namespaces, the data modeler added rela-
tionships so that the report writer can still take advantage of relationships that may not be directly
shown in the package.
In the Explorer Bar , mouse over the Query Explorer tab and select the Queries folder.
In the work area, click Query1 to select it.
In the Properties pane, rename Query1 to Training_by_Manager .
Double-click on the query to open the query definition.
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