Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Women Travellers
Women face relatively few problems in Thailand. With the great amount of respect
afforded to women, an equal measure should be returned.
Thai women, especially the younger generation, are showing more skin than in
the recent past. That means almost everyone is now dressing like a bar girl and you
can wear spaghetti strap tops and navel-bearing shirts (if only they were still trendy)
without offending Thais' modesty streak. But to be on the safe side, cover up if
you're going deep into rural communities.
Attacks and rapes are not common in Thailand, but incidents do occur, especially
when an attacker observes a vulnerable target: a drunk or solo woman. If you return
home from a bar alone, be sure to have your wits about you. Avoid accepting rides
from strangers late at night or travelling around in isolated areas by yourself - com-
mon sense stuff that might escape your notice in a new environment filled with hos-
pitable people.
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