Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
NH 2
NH 2
CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
Figure 8.7 Molecular structures of some amphetamines.
MDA and MDMA tend to be found in tablet forms, which vary in colour and
logo (if used). Logos, such as the smiley face or cartoon characters, may be
embossed onto tablets; these logos will be specific to the people or organisa-
tion who has manufactured the tablets.
After physical examination, presumptive colour tests will be carried out;
the Marquis reagent is used with amphetamines. With this reagent, amphet-
amine will produce an orange colour, methamphetamine will produce a yel-
lowish-green colour and MDMA will produce a black colour. When TLC is
used, Fast Black K can be used as a visualisation reagent. For confirmation,
GC-MS will be used. Designer Drugs
Designer drugs are substances whose chemical structures have been modi-
fied to optimise their effects but also to bypass laws and regulations that con-
trol them. One of the first examples of this type of drug was ecstasy. When
initially introduced in the 1970s, ecstasy was the US street name for prepara-
tions containing methylenedioxymethyl amphetamine (MDMA). Now the
term 'ecstasy' describes tablets predominantly containing one (or more) psy-
chotropic agents derived from the β-phenethylamine group of compounds.
More recently, there has been an influx in the illicit drug market of syn-
thetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones (sometimes called bath salts).
In 2012, these compounds were legislated against in both the UK and the
United States. Over-the-Counter or Prescription-Only Medication
Over-the-counter (OTC) medication such as paracetamol (acetaminophen)
can be found as a compound added to bulk out other illicit drugs. Other
drugs may also be found in the same samples and may include other prescrip-
tion-only medication (PoM) or OTC preparations (due to ease of availabil-
ity). Drugs bought over the Internet, from erectile dysfunction medication
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