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Thus it may be that the optimal strategy for a prey individual may be to run if it is in
the more dangerous search phase, and so we simply observe a prey individual run
the first time that this phase is entered.
We note that in the above work the strategic choices of the predators have been
limited i.e. to attack immediately or wait, or when to cease searching. However,
we have not considered the best active searching strategy of the predator. Some
important work on predator searching strategies has been carried out, with examples
including [ 1 , 10 , 11 ]and[ 5 ]. The choices of predators in general can of course be
important, and in turn influence the choices of the prey, as we have seen in our model
of the stationary predator and hidden prey. This is likely to be true for a variety of
scenarios, and so the choices of both prey and predators should be considered in our
1. Alpern,S. Fokkink,R. Timmer,M. and Casas,J. (2011) Ambush frequency should increase
over time during optimal predator search for prey. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8
2. Broom,M. & Ruxton,G.D. (2005) You can run - or you can hide: optimal strategies for cryptic
prey against pursuit predators. Behavioral Ecology 16 534-540.
3. Cooper Jr, W.E., Frederick, W.G. (2007) Optimal flight initiation distance. Journal of Theo-
retical Biology 244: 59-67.
4. Caro,T.M. (1986) The functions of stotting in Thomson's gazelles: Some tests of the predic-
tions. Animal Behaviour 34 663-684.
5. Desouhant,E., Lucchetta,P. Giron,D. and Bernstein,C. (2010) Feeding activity pattern in a
parasitic wasp when foraging in the field. Ecological Research 25 419-428.
6. Ewer,R.F. (1968) Ethology of Mammals. Elek Science, London.
7. Kenward,R.E. (1978) Hawks and doves: factors affecting success and selection in goshawk
attacks on woodpigeons. Journal of Animal Ecology 47 449-460.
8. Martin, J., Luqu-Larena, J.J., Lopez, P. (2009) When to run from an ambush predator: balanc-
ing crpysis benefits with costs of fleeing in lizards. Animal Behaviour 78 1011-1018.
9. Myers,J.P. (1983) Commentary. In “Perspectives in Ornithology” (A.H.Brush and G.A.Clark
Jr, eds) pp 216-221. Cambridge University Press.
10. Pitchford,J.W., James,A. and Brindley,J. (2005) Quantifying the effects of individual and en-
vironmental variability in fish recruitment. Fisheries Oceanography 14 156-160.
11. Preston,M.D., Pitchford,J.W. and Wood,A.J. (2010) Evolutionary optimality in stochastic
search problems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 1301-1310.
12. Rowe-Rowe,D.T. (1974) Flight behaviour and flight distance of blesbok. Zeitschrift fur
Tierpsychologie 34 208-211.
13. Walther,R.F. (1969) Flight behaviour and avoidance of predators in Thomson's gazelle
( Gazella thomsoni Guenther 1884). Behaviour 34 184-221.
14. Ydenberg, R.C., Dill, L.M. (1986) The Economics of Fleeing from Predators. Advances in the
Study of Behaviour 16 229-249.
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