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Alpern, S. Rendezvous
a personal
Operations Research 2002; 50
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10. Alpern, S, and Beck, A. Asymmetric rendezvous on the line is a double linear search problem.
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11. Alpern, S and Gal, S. Rendezvous search on the line with distinguishable players. SIAM J.
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12. Alpern, S and Gal, S. Search Games and Rendezvous Theory, Springer, 2003.
13. Alpern, S and Howard, JV. Alternating search at two locations. Dynamics and Control 2000;
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14. Alpern, S and Lim, WS. Rendezvous of three agents on the line. Naval Research Logistics
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15. Anderson, EJ and Essegaier, S. Rendezvous search on the line with indistinguishable players,
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25. Kranakis, E, Krizanc, D and Rajsbaum, S. Mobile agent rendezvous: a survey. Lecture Notes
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26. Lim, WS and Alpern, S. Minimax rendezvous search on the line. SIAM J. Control Optim.
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27. Lim, WS, Alpern, S and Beck, A. Rendezvous search on the line with more than two players.
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