Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• identifying the physical and chemical factors that will infl uence transport and
deposition of nanomaterials in the environment (air, soil and water),
• determining the infl uence of redox and other chemical processes on nano-
materials properties and behaviour,
• investigating the interaction of nanomaterials with natural environmental
• investigating the effect of aggregation/disaggregation, sorption/desorption, the
distribution of nanomaterials in the environment,
• investigating the potential transformation and degradation of nanomaterials in
the environment and the resulting by-products,
• investigating the potential bioaccumulation/biomagnifi cation and persistence of
• assessing the applicability of knowledge, data and methods on natural ultrafi ne
particles and colloids to nanomaterials,
• investigating decontamination strategies.
Nanomaterials have always been present in our environment, though the nanosci-
ence and nanotechnology of manipulating matter at the nano or atomic scale is a
relatively new science. Currently, the uses and range of applications of nanomateri-
als are expanding rapidly. Their benefi ts are expected to be huge, but uncertainty
about the perceived risk is also a major problem both to human and environmental
health and the sustainability of the nanotechnology industry. Understanding the
environmental and human health impacts of nanomaterials is a crucial stage for
the responsible development nanotechnology and to gain full benefi t of its applica-
tions. This is a multi- and interdisciplinary task requiring knowledge of physics,
environmental, analytical and physical chemistry, materials science, (eco)toxicology
and others. This topic is one attempt amongst many to improve our understanding
of the environmental and human implications of nanotechnology.
Alyaudtin , R. N. , A. Reichel , R. L ö benberg , et al. ( 2001 ) Interaction of poly(butylcya-
noacrylate) nanoparticles with the blood-brain barrier in vivo and in vitro : J. Drug Target ,
9 , 209 - 21 .
Baalousha , M. ( 2009 ) Aggregation and disaggregation of iron oxide nanoparticles: infl uence
of particles concentration, pH and natural organic matter: Sci. Tot. Environ. , 407 ( 6 ),
2093 - 2101 .
Baalousha , M. , N. - A. Alexa , E. Cieslak and J. R. Lead ( 2008a ) Transport mechanisms of
carbon nanotubes in the natural aquatic environment: Environmental Science &
Technology (Submitted).
Baalousha , M. , A. Manciulea , S. Cumberland , et al. ( 2008b ) Aggregation and surface proper-
ties of iron oxide nanoparticles; infl uence of pH and natural organic matter: Environ.
Toxicol. Chem. , 27 , 1875 - 82 .
Ballesteros , E. , M. Gallego and M. Valcarcel ( 2000 ) Analytical potential of fullerene as
adsorbent for organic and organometallic compounds from aqueous solutions: J.
Chromatography A , 869 ( 1 - 2 ), 101 - 110 .
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