Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.4 TEM images of metal oxide nanoparticles (100 mg/l) in algal growth medium
(pH 7.5) (a) ZnO with higher magnifi cation image of the circled aggregate. (b) CeO 2
bioaccumulated by deposit - and fi lter-feeding organisms. To date, such interactions
have not been fully evaluated but may signifi cantly affect nanoparticle fate and
Nanoparticle Dissolution
The terms soluble, insoluble and sparingly soluble are used quite frequently in the
chemical sciences but without rigorous defi nition. From a materials science per-
spective, many nanomaterials have low solubilities, but have signifi cant solubility
(e.g. mg/l range) from an environmental and toxicological perspective. For instance,
in chemical data handbooks and material safety data sheets, zinc oxide is often
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