Environmental Engineering Reference
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experiments. In a recent review (Foss Hansen et al. , 2007) it was shown that although
size determinations are becoming more common (17-96% of exposure and effects
studies) other relevant properties are rarely characterized (e.g. surface area in
6-33% of studies).
Assuming that all relevant physico-chemical characteristics are available from
tier 1 studies (material characterization), and that colloidal stability/agglomeration
rates, deposition rates and dissolution rates are determined in the fate studies (tier
2) in the same test media as in effects studies, then the following additional confi r-
mation analysis are recommended as a minimum set:
• Determination of total concentration, fi lterable (0.22
m fi lter nominal pore size)
100 nm) concentration of the major
composition of the NPs after an appropriate digestion method, during the course
of experiments.
• Tracking of changes in size distribution or size average in the aquatic experi-
ments, in order to trace agglomeration kinetics.
• C o n fi rmation of enhanced depositition onto organisms or test system induced
by mucus or excudates.
and centrifugable (equivalent diameter
The recommendation of methods for the above analyses based on minimum
perturbation, general availability, ease of use, cost, analysis time are:
• Chemical composition by standard methods (e.g. AAS, ICPMS) after appropriate
• Dynamic light scattering (bearing in mind its limitations).
• Nanoparticle tracking analysis is very promising but needs validation and is
rarely available yet.
• Turbidity is a simple, inexpensive but crude method to follow agglomeration.
• Samples for electron microscopy can be prepared in any laboratory for subse-
quent analysis in specialized lab.
Monitoring Nanopollution
The emissions of manufactured NPs will most likely follow the trends of the devel-
opment of nanotechnology (Roco, 2005), and the increasing incorporation of
nanomaterials in consumer products (http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/
consumer/), medicine and industrial catalysts, and so on. There are very few studies
on the prediction of environmental concentrations of manufactured NPs, but one
attempt predicted
g l − 1 of titanium dioxide, when assuming most current products
would be shifted to nano-sized titanium dioxide(Boxall et al. , 2007 ). Another study
based on usage patterns in Switzerland used a life-cycle perspective (substance fl ow
analysis) to derive predicted environmental concentrations for nano-sized titanium
dioxide as 0.7- 16
g l − 1 (Mueller and Nowack, 2008). There are still many unknown
parameters in these models that could be improved by systematic studies on leach-
ing patterns in various product life stages, and results from a few such studies are
becoming available. One paper simulating regular wash procedures of nano-sized
silver coated socks studied leaching of nano-sized silver and silver ions using total
digestions, electron microscopy, and a silver ion selective electrode (Benn and
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