Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 6.12 SEM image (low voltage BSE detector, acceleration voltage 6 kV, Hitachi
S4800) of a new facade containing TiO 2 pigments. The TiO 2 particles are spread homoge-
neously over the whole facade. The average diameter of the TiO 2 particles is around 150 nm.
No sample treatment (coating) was applied. (Reprinted from R. Kaegi, A. Ulrich, B. Sinnet
et al. , Synthetic TiO 2 nanoparticle emission from exterior facades into the aquatic environ-
ment, Environmental Pollution , 156 , 233-9. Copyright 2008, with permission from Elsevier.)
Figure 6.13 SEM (BSE, low vacuum) image of a naturally aged facade recorded in an ESEM
(XL30, FEG, FEI). The bright particles are TiO 2 particles. (Reprinted from R. Kaegi, A. Ulrich,
B. Sinnet et al. , Synthetic TiO 2 nanoparticle emission from exterior facades into the aquatic
environment, Environmental Pollution , 156 , 233-9. Copyright 2008, with permission from
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