Database Reference
In-Depth Information
We use a lot of open-source tools (Cassandra, ZooKeeper, NSQ, etc.). While
it's tempting to just install them on the closest machine and start using them in
production, you need to keep in mind that your devops team will most likely have
to maintain these systems for you. So make sure they come with some great mon-
itoring tools to keep your devops team happy.
Turn on Compression
Due to the way Cassandra stores data, turning on compression can actually give
you better performance in reads and writes as well as save you storage space. The
trade-off is slightly increased CPU usage, but for many this trade-off is definitely
worth it.
We normally store our data as strings (JSON or just plain strings), so compres-
sion can save a lot of space in our use case. We saw around 30% space saving
with compression switched on, and when you're talking about clusters with sever-
al terabytes of data, you can see the massive savings you can get.
As Hailo rolls out across the globe, we need to be sure that our platform can scale
in line with our ambition. Cassandra has helped us to achieve this goal because, in
our experience, it just works.
Jay Patel
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