Database Reference
In-Depth Information
7. Maintenance
At this point, your cluster is up and running. There is data coming in and
everything seems to be humming along. But Cassandra is not a set-it-and-forget-it
system. Maintenance is required, and there are tools to help you perform the ne-
cessary maintenance tasks.
Understanding nodetool
The most basic command that you should be familiar with when administering
a Cassandra cluster is nodetool. nodetool is a command-line interface to
Cassandra cluster management. It can provide you with basic information about
an individual node or all nodes in the cluster or ring.
As of Cassandra 1.2, nodetool provides the options shown in Listing 7.1 .
Listing 7.1 nodetool Output
Click here to view code image
usage: java --
host <arg> <command>
includes sstables
that are already on the
most recent version
during upgradesstables.
-cf,--column-family <arg> only take a snapshot
of the specified column family.
-et,--end-token <arg>
token at which repair
range ends.
-h,--host <arg>
node hostname or ip
only repair against
nodes in the same datacenter.
-p,--port <arg>
remote jmx agent port
only repair the first
range returned by the
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