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function places the CSW in the IN endpoint's buffer and transfers owner-
ship of the buffer descriptor to the SIE.
void SendCSW(void)
// Wait until the CPU has ownership of the endpoint's buffer descriptor.
while (mMSDTxIsBusy())
// Service USB interrupts. See Microchip's Framework firmware for details.
// Set the IN endpoint's address registers to the CSW's address.
MSD_BD_IN.ADR = (byte*)&msd_csw;
// Set the IN endpoint's count to the CSW's size.
// To enable sending the CSW, give ownership of the endpoint descriptor to the SIE.
// Service USB interrupts.
// Prepare to receive another CBW.
// Set the OUT endpoint's count to the size of a CBW.
MSD_BD_OUT.Cnt = sizeof(msd_cbw);
// Set the OUT endpoint's buffer descriptor's address to the location that will store
// the received CBW.
MSD_BD_OUT.ADR = (byte*)&msd_cbw;
// The next bulk OUT data from the host should be a CBW.
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