Information Technology Reference
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Figure 1-2: To access generic USB mass-storage devices, an embedded
system must contain a USB host controller, which can be on a separate chip or
embedded in a microcontroller.
• A USB host controller, which can be embedded in a microcontroller chip
or on a separate chip that interfaces to the CPU, microcontroller, or
other intelligent hardware.
• A generic hard drive, flash drive, or other media connected to a USB port
on the host.
The hardware or firmware in an embedded USB mass-storage host must
provide the following functions:
Issue USB requests and initiate other events on the bus to identify
attached devices and manage traffic and power on the bus.
Issue USB mass-storage requests that ask for status information or specify
actions for the device to perform.
Issue SCSI commands in USB transfers. The commands read and write
blocks of data in the storage media, request status information, and con-
trol the device operation.
Support a file system to access files in the media.
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