Environmental Engineering Reference
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relevant. For example, multiple-peaked stripping voltammograms for polycrystalline
Pt are likely to originate from the contribution of different crystallographic planes to
the electrode surface. For further discussion, the reader is referred to Maillard et al.
[2004b, 2005, 2007b].
CO monolayer electro-oxidation on Pt/C has also been investigated with chron-
oamperometry [Cherstiouk et al., 2003b; Maillard et al., 2004a, 2007b]. Peaked
current transients (Fig. 15.9) typical of CO electro-oxidation on polycrystalline
Figure 15.9 Normalized current transients for CO ads monolayer electro-oxidation in 0.1 M
H 2 SO 4 after a potential step from 0.1 V vs. RHE to various electro-oxidation potentials for
Pt/GC electrodes with different particle sizes. The CO adsorption potential was 0.1 V vs.
RHE, T ΒΌ 298K. (Reprinted from Maillard et al. [2007b], Copyright 2007, with permission
from Elsevier.)
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