Geoscience Reference
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Today the principal purpose of averaging the turbulent-flow equations is to
enable their numerical solution, so we shall denote a spatially filtered variable
through a superscript “r”, this part of the variable being computationally resolvable .
We write
f filt
f filt )
( f
= f r
+ f s ,
so that spatial filtering decomposes a turbulent variable into resolvable (r) and
subfilter-scale (s) parts. In general subsequent applications of a filter also have
effects; that is,
= f r . (3.33)
From Eq. (3.32) it follows that in general the spatially filtered subfilter-scale field
does not vanish:
( f r ) r
( f s ) r
0 . (3.34)
Unlike ensemble averaging, spatial filtering can preserve the turbulent character
of the flow variable if the spatial scale of the filter function G is much less than
the spatial scale of the turbulence. It can profoundly reduce the computational
requirements for numerical solution of the equations, as we shall see.
3.4.2 Spatially filtered governing equations
We can now apply the local average (interpreted as Leonard's more general spatial
filter, Eq. (3.31) ) to the governing equations. With the decomposition of Eq. (3.32)
the continuity equation (3.1) for the full velocity implies
∂ u i
∂ u i
u i
∂x i =
∂x i (
u i
u i )
∂x i +
∂x i =
0 .
Assuming that spatial filtering commutes with differentiation, § applying it to the
full continuity equation (3.1) yields
∂ u i
u i
∂x i
∂x i =
0 .
Subtracting Eq. (3.36) from Eq. (3.35) then gives
u i
∂x i =
0 .
u i and
u i are divergence free if
u i is.
Thus, both
The exception is the “top-hat” filter, Chapter 6 .
Equation (3.31) shows that when G is vanishingly narrow - a “delta function” - it leaves the function unchanged.
Leonard ( 1974 ) shows this is true if the function vanishes on the boundaries.
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