Geoscience Reference
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Figure 3.2 The evolution of the profile of mass flux wc in the turbulent diffusion
problem of Figure 2.5 .
During its travel the diameter d of the filament increases due to molecular diffu-
sion of the scalar
c into the fluid, causing the concentration averaged across its cross
c ave , to decrease with time. From the conserved scalar equation (1.31) we
estimate the magnitude of this rate of change of
c ave as
c ave
d 2
c ave
τ molec ,
Dt ˜
γ ˜
c ave
c ave
d 2 the time scale of this molecular diffusion process. The propor-
tionality of τ molec to d 2 indicates that only concentration anomalies of small spatial
scale are removed quickly by molecular diffusion. If d
with τ molec
10 3 m, for example,
and γ =10 5 m 2 s 1 (roughly the value for temperature and water vapor in air),
τ molec
10 5 s, about one day.
Under very stably stratified conditions (Part II) flow in the lower atmosphere can
be laminar not far above the surface. In such cases an effluent plume from a stack of
1m diameter in a wind of 10 m s 1 could extend hundreds of kilometers downwind
in nonturbulent air!
In turbulent flow the ensemble-averaged concentration field C(x,y,z,t) down-
stream of the source is formally defined by an average over many instantaneous
10 1 s. But if d =
1mthen τ molec
1 ˜
We'll refer to “ensemble-averaged” simply as “mean.” Figure 3.3 shows a sketch
of the downstream development of the mean plume in the x z plane. Its contrast
with the instantaneous plume is striking.
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