Geoscience Reference
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1.14 Two geometrically identical turbulent flows, one using water and the other
air, have the same u and . By what factor do their total rates of dissipation
of kinetic energy differ?
1.15 If S ij and A ij are symmetric and antisymmetric tensors, respectively, show
that their contraction S ij A ij vanishes.
1.16 Resolve the paradox that is independent of ν but the expression for it
(Problem 1.4) involves ν .
1.17 Explain why, in connection with Eq. (1.40) , u i u j is different from u i u j in a
turbulent flow.
1.18 Derive the vorticity equation (1.28) from the Navier-Stokes equation (1.26) .
Hint: use the vector identities
· ∇
− ∇
· ∇
u)/ 2and (
+ ∇
u)/ 2.
1.19 Derive Eq. (1.43) for the ratio of the Taylor and Kolmogorov microscales.
1.20 Do Problem 1.4 for steady flow in a pipe, integrating between two cross
sections. Interpret your result.
1.21 Show that the total time derivative need not commute with other derivatives.
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