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heating and cooling. We'll assume that the spatial integral scale of the scalar field
is of the order of the turbulence scale .
By this des ign C , the mean part of the scalar, is independent of x and t ,the
turbulent flux cu j vanishes, and the conservation equation for the fluctuating scalar
field c( x ,t) is
c ,t +
(cu j ) ,j
s( x ,t)
γc ,jj .
Multiplying Eq. (16.2) by 2 c , ensemble averaging, rewriting the molecular term,
and dropping its diffusion part yields the scalar variance equation
∂t c 2
(c 2 u j ) ,j
2 sc
2 γ c ,j c ,j
0 .
By homogeneity, which is implied by isotropy, the second term on the right,
turbulent transport of variance, vanishes so the equation reduces to
2 sc
2 γ c ,j c ,j
χ c ,
with Pr the mean rate of production of variance by the fluctuating source term and
χ c its mean rate of destruction through molecular diffusion.
Now we introduce the Fourier-Stieltjes representations for the fluctuating
quantities (Chapter 15) :
e i κ · x dZ( κ ,t),
e i κ · x dZ i ( κ ,t),
c( x ,t)
u i ( x ,t)
e i κ · x dS( κ ,t),
e i κ · x dF j ( κ ,t).
s( x ,t)
cu j ( x ,t)
Hereafter we will not explicitly indicate the dependence on t .
Using these representations in Eq. (16.2) gives the evolution equation for the
Fourier-Stieltjes components:
∂t dZ( κ )
γκ 2 dZ( κ )
j dF j ( κ )
dS( κ ),
where κ 2
κ i κ i .
The power spectral density φ of the fluctuating scalar field is defined through
φ( κ )d κ = dZ( κ )dZ ( κ ),
and its time derivative is
∂t φ( κ )d κ =
dZ ( κ )
dZ( κ )
∂t dZ ( κ ).
∂t dZ( κ )
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