Geoscience Reference
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Figure 15.4 The approach to the isotropic (4/3) ratio of F 33 and F 11 in the inertial
subrange in the 1968 Kansas experiment. z is distance from the surface, L is
the Monin-Obukhov length, and κ 1 is streamwise wavenumber. From Wyngaard
( 1973 ).
Again, different normalizations of one-dimensional spectra are used. Sometimes
a form is used wherein the integral over the half-line is the variance, in which case
the factor 9/55 becomes 18/55.
An approach to isotropy in the inertial subrange in a turbulent shear flow should
be manifested also in a stress cospectrum that falls faster than the energy spectrum.
Lumley ( 1967 ) has argued that in the ine rtial range Co 13 (κ) , the spherically aver-
aged cospectrum of kinematic stress uw , depends on the mean shear U , ,and κ .
Since the dependence on U should be linear, on dimensional grounds we then have
1 / 3 U κ 7 / 3 f U
2 ) 1 / 3 2 .
Co 13 (κ)
The argument of the function f here can be interpreted as (U /u ) 2 ,where u is the
strain rate of an eddy of size 1 (Problem 15.23) . When this argument is small the
turbulent strain rate dominates, f
constant, and this becomes
1 / 3 U κ 7 / 3 .
Co 13 (κ)
This inertial-range behavior has been observed for the one-dimensional cospectrum
of u and w (which should be proportional to Co 13 ) in the Kansas experiments ( Wyn-
gaard and Coté , 1972 ) and in high- R t boundary layers ( Saddoughi and Veeravalli ,
1994 ).
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