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weighting of all contributions; in filtering the weighting function can vary with
position. The concept is to apply to the governing equations a spatial filter that
removes the smallest eddies and leaves the energy-containing ones unaffected,
producing equations for the larger-scale part of each variable. If L is the spa-
tial scale of the computational domain and f is the cutoff scale of the filter -
that is, the filter removes spatial variations of scale less than f -thenoforder
L/ f computational grid points are required in each direction to resolve the
filtered fields, of order N 3 grid points in all. For this reason the filtered variables are
often called resolvable-scale variables. Today N is typically in the range 30-300.
This modeling approach now goes by the apt name large-eddy simulation , or LES.
It was proposed by Lilly ( 1967 ) and first used successfully by Deardorff for turbu-
lent channel flow ( Deardorff , 1970a ) and then for the atmospheric boundary layer
( Deardorff , 1970b ).
1.8 Physical modeling of turbulent flows
In a review paper on turbulence written at the dawning of the computer age, Corrsin
( 1961 ) estimated the number of grid points required in a numerical calculation of a
modest Reynolds number ( R t
10 4 ) turbulent flow. Upon presenting his result,
10 14 grid points (which is still well out of reach today) he wrote:
The foregoing estimate is enough to suggest the use of analog rather than digital
computation; in particular, how about an analog consisting of a tank of water?
Corrsin's suggestion of “an analog consisting of a tank of water” is now called
physical modeling or fluid modeling . It allows the structure of both convective and
“mechanical” turbulence to be observed in scaled-down, laboratory flows. Some
of its most successful applications have been to turbulent dispersion of effluents.
Early studies in a 1-m scale convection tank revealed for the first time some of
the unusual dispersion properties of convective turbulence ( Deardorff and Willis ,
1975 ). Another successful application is the turbulent dispersion of effluents from
sources in complex terrain ( Snyder , 1985 ).
1.9 The impact of Kolmogorov
Of the many scientists who have worked in turbulence, none stands taller than
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. In a brief paper published in 1941 he laid out the
basis for our present-day understanding of turbulence as a dynamical system.
To put this example in more physical terms, the Reynolds number ud/ν of turbulent flow in a stirred (at u =
10 1 ms 1 ) cup (of diameter d = 10 1 m) of tea ( ν = 10 6 m 2 s 1 )is10 4 . That flow, which has an R t value
somewhat smaller than 10 4 because <d , probably can be computed through DNS today.
The Frisch ( 1995 ) monograph on turbulence is subtitled “The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov.”
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