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fraction of the flow volume as R t increases, and so they become more intense with
increasing R t . This is reflected in the broadening of the tails of the pdf of a velocity
derivative as R t increases, which causes the skewness and kurtosis of the velocity
derivative to increase with R t (Chapter 7) .
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulence is currently limited by computer
size to about 10 10 grid points, a few thousand in each of the three spatial directions.
Roughly, then, the maximum attainable values of are currently
10 3 , whereas
in the atmospheric boundary layer can be as large as 10 6 .Since is a
surrogate for the turbulence Reynolds number, Eq. (1.35) , fine structure computed
from DNS is not a reliable indicator - not even qualitatively - of the fine structure
of atmospheric turbulence. Vertical velocity in the CBL
In 1975 some intriguing evidence of unusual behavior of neutrally buoyant effluent
plumes in the CBL came from experiments done in a laboratory convection tank.
As described by Willis and Deardorff ( 1974 ), the 114 cm
76 cm
deep tank, using water heated from below, generated turbulent free convection of
modest Reynolds number (R t
122 cm
4200 ,R λ
140 ) . In their experiments Deardorff
andWillis ( 1975 ) used a near-surface, crosswind line source of effluent. The unusual
behavior was the ascent of the mean plume as it moved downstream; by a travel time
of the order of h/w it reached a height of about 0 . 75 h , with h the CBL depth. As
discussed by Lamb ( 1982 ), this finding stimulated great interest but also skepticism
that a convection tank could model diffusion in the CBL.
Lamb ( 1978 ) described a similar phenomenon in a numerical model calculation
of plume dispersion from an elevated source in the CBL: the locus of maximum
mean concentration downstream of an elevated source descends until it reaches the
surface. Motivated by these numerical results, Willis and Deardorff ( 1978 ) carried
out elevated-source experiments in their convection tank and found plume-descent
there. Lamb ( 1982 ) describes the two sets of results as being in “remarkably good
These findings on effluent-plume dispersion in the CBL stimulated interest in the
probability density of vertical velocity fluctuations. Figure 13.4 , from Lamb ( 1982 ),
shows that probability density for w computed by Deardorff through LES in a
2 km deep domain. It is strongly positively skewed ( w 3 > 0 ) .The
mode, or most probable velocity, is negative; it is approximately equal to the mean
downdraft velocity. About 60% of the area under the density is on the negative half
of the w -axis, indicating the higher probability of downdrafts. Field observations
Lamb ( 1982 ) also pointed out that “this is an example in which the predictions of a theoretical model were later
confirmed by observations.”
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