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homogeneous and driven by a pressure gradient; it had a no-slip boundary condition
on the lower wall and a free-slip (stress free) wall at the top. He computed neutral
turbulent flow as an initial condition and then continued the computations with a
constant, negative heat flux imposed at the bottom wall. He found that the flow
continued to be turbulent only for h/L < 0 . 5 .
Nieuwstadt also found that weak stable stratification increased the rate of viscous
dissipation, which in equilibrium required an increase in the rate of shear pro-
duction. The interpretation is that the stable stratification, whose damping effects
are strongest for the largest eddies, Eq. (10.38) , decreases and hence increases
u 3 / . The resulting increase in the rate of shear production was larger than the
rate of loss to buoyant destruction.
12.1.2 Second-order-closure modeling of the SBL
Numerical modeling has been applied to the ABL since the 1960s, and “second-
order closure” came into use in the 1970s. As in the engineering community
(Chapter 5) , as experience was gained with the models the hopes for their uni-
versality dimmed. Fine-mesh LES “data bases” facilitated the testing of models
in atmospheric applications, and in this way Moeng and Wyngaard ( 1989 ) con-
cluded that typical shear-flow closures for dissipation rate and turbulent transport
performed poorly in the CBL.
Second-order models seemed to perform better in the SBL, where the turbulent
transport terms in second-moment budgets (Chapter 5) are much less important
than in the CBL and simple closures for pressure covariances appeared to suffice.
Delage ( 1974 ) used an eddy-diffusivity model with a rate equation for TKE to
explore SBL structure with results that seemed quite physical. Many such studies
followed, including the second-order closure calculation of Wyngaard ( 1975 )that
was “tuned” in part with the Kansas observations. It reproduced well the evolving
surface-layer properties measured in the 1973 Minnesota evening runs.
This model system spawned themuch simpler SBLmodel of Brost andWyngaard
( 1978 ). By neglecting the turbulent-transport, time-change, and Coriolis terms in
the second-moment equations and replacing a highly parameterized rate equation
u 3 / and a model for , they converted the set of eleven partial differential
equations to eight algebraic equations for second moments ( Fitzjarrald , 1979 ). The
solutions of the BW set were quite similar to those of the original model system.
Nieuwstadt ( 1984 ) then showed that the BW set of algebraic equation s, w hen
nond imensionalized with the local kinematic str ess magnitude τ(z)
(uw) 2
(vw) 2
1 / 2 and the local vertical temperature flux wθ(z) , has solutions that depend
only on the local Monin-Obukhov length
1.25 in Nieuwstadt's convention, in which L is defined without the von Karman constant.
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