Geoscience Reference
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We'll illustrate with the entrainment flux of potential temperature, relaxing
slightly our usual assumption of horizontal homogeneity to allow a nonzero mean
vertical velocity W . This implies a nonzero divergence of the horizontal wind
field, since to a good approximation ∂U/∂x
0 . The mean
potential temperature equation is then
∂t +
∂z =
∂z +
0 .
We integrate Eq. (11.39) from z i , the height of maximum negative temperature flux
(Figure 11.1) , to h 2 , where the flux vanishes. In integrating the first term we use
Leibnitz' rule in the form
h 2 (t)
h 2
(h 2 ) ∂h 2
(z i ) ∂z i
∂t dz.
z i (t)
z i
For the second term we use the mean-value theorem in the form
h 2
h m
∂z dz
W(h m ) [ (h 2 )
(z i ) ] ,
h 2 .
z i
Since vanishes at h 2 , the third term integrates to
wθ(z i ) .
The interfacial layer thickness typically is in the range 0.2-0.6 z i , but nonetheless
it is conventional here to take the limit as h 2
0, giving a jump model of
the interfacial layer. In this zero-thickness limit several terms in the integral of
Eq. (11.39) vanish (Problem 11.21) . The resulting expression is
z i
∂z i
W(z i ) (h 2 )
(z i )
wθ(z i )
1 =−
w e .
w e ,the entrainment velocity , is the mean rate of erosion of the nonturbulent fluid
by the turbulent fluid. If w e =−
W the rate of entrainment is balanced by the mean
subsidence, so ∂z i /∂t
0. This happens often in the marine boundary layer under
steady synoptic conditions. Over land, w e usually exceeds
in the morning and
early afternoon hours, allowing z i to grow. Under a high-pressure system Ekman
pumping (Chapter 9) causes W to be negative, suppressing the growth of z i and
thereby limiting the formation of the small cumulus at the top of the mixed layer.
We often have clear skies in high-pressure areas.
The jump equations for the fluxes of momentum and conserved scalar c are
uw 1 =−
w e U,
vw 1 =−
w e V ,
wc 1 =−
w e C.
Clearly, the entrainment velocity w e is an important parameter.
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