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Using results of the Moeng and Wyngaard ( 1989 )96 3 LES runs, Holtslag and
Moeng ( 1991 ) also derived an expression for K in the flux-gradient form (11.33) :
z/z i + R c z/z i ) K b
K t
( 1
c =
cw 1 /cw 0 .
z/z i ) K t +
R c (z/z i ) K b
( 1
Here K t and K b are the top-down and bottom-up eddy diffusivities K t and K b
modified to be compatible with the modified flux-gradient expression (11.33) :
z i
4 / 3 1
7 z
z i
2 1
K b
K t
z i
z i
w z i =
w z i =
Fiedler ( 1984 ) discussed the generalization of the eddy diffusivity to the integral
D(z, z )
C(z ,t)dz ,
wc(z, t)
which is the physical-space version of the “spectral diffusivity”model of Berkowicz
and Prahm ( 1979 ). Stull's ( 1984 ) “transilient turbulence” closure is also of this
general form. Hamba's ( 1993 ) two-term eddy diffusivity expression for conserved
K 2 2 C
K ∂C
∂z +
∂z 2 ,
can reproduce the Moeng andWyngaard ( 1984 ) results for top-down and bottom-up
11.3.3 Generalized mixed-layer similarity
Equations (11.21) and (11.22) generalize the mixed-layer similarity statement for
a mean scalar gradient in the quasi-steady, horizontally homogeneous mixed layer
to include the flux of the scalar at the CBL top:
∂z =−
cw 1
cw 0
w z i g t (z/z i )
w z i g b (z/z i ).
A typical profile of vertical flux of virtual potential temperature in the CBL is
sketched in Figure 11.1 . When Eq. (11.38) is used for the negative flux of virtual
temperature at the top, caused by entrainment of the capping inversion, makes the
two terms on its rhs of opposite signs. The resulting profile can be nearly uniform
in the CBL. This is no doubt the origin of the term mixed layer and the erroneous
notion that within it conserved scalars are “well mixed” (constant).
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