Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
10.11 Discuss the behavior of R f and Ri in the asymptotic stable state. How could
this state determine the depth of the nocturnal ABL?
10.12 Explain the role of the second-moment budgets in turbulent flow calculation.
10.13 Derive an expression for the eddy diffusivity for momentum in the surface
layer. Discuss its asymptotic behavior.
10.14 Identify and discuss the rate of buoyant production of vertical temperature
flux. What is its role in unstable conditions? In stable conditions?
10.15 Explain why large-eddy simulation generally does not perform well in the
atmospheric surface layer. (Hint: consider the behavior of the length scale
of the vertical velocity field near the surface.)
10.16 In large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer the surface fluxes
are typically determined from the resolved (calculated) fields through the
standard surface-exchange coefficients. Is this justifiable? Discuss.
10.17 Use dimensional analysis t o determine the averaging time T required to
determine the time average u T
u(t) with
ensemble mean U ,variance u 2 , and integral scale τ . Can you obtain the
answer, Eq. (2.36) ? Explain.
10.18 Show that Eq. (10.11) rests on good approximations.
10.19 Why is pipe length L not one of the governing parameters in pipe flow,
Section 10.2.1 ?
10.20 Dis cuss the differences between the buoyant production terms for qw and
θw and how the differences might impact their budgets.
10.21 Why does Eq. (10.38) not use θ(r) ?
of a stationary function of time
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and the turbulent kinetic energy balance in the atmospheric surface layer.
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Bradley, E. F., R. A. Antonia, and A. J. Chambers, 1981b: Temperature structure in the
atmospheric surface layer. Bound.-Layer Meteor. , 20 , 275-292.
Bradley, E. F., R. A. Antonia, and A. J. Chambers, 1982: Streamwise heat flux budget in
the atmospheric surface layer. Bound.-Layer Meteor. , 23 , 3-15.
Bradshaw, P., 1967: “Inactive” motion and pressure fluctuations in turbulent boundary
layers. J. Fluid Mech. , 30 , 241-258.
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Experiments in Fluids , 16 , 203-216.
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