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R is the universal gas constant and m d and m v are the molecular weights of dry
air and water vapor. By introducing the specific humidity q ,definedas
M v
M d +
ρ v
ρ ,
M v =
we can write Eq. (8.37) as
q m d
m v
R d =
( 1
q)R d +
qR v =
( 1
q)R d +
( 1
0 . 61 q)R d .
Thus in turbulent air containing water vapor the gas constant R has turbulent
fluctuations and the air-density deviation
ρ ( T) of Section 8.2 becomes
ρ =
ρ ( T, R) . If we again linearize about a dry base state,
R , from Eq. (8.40)
R d +
R =
we have
0 . 61 qR d and we can write
T 0
ρ 0
0 . 61 q,
which quantifies how both warmer air and moister air are buoyant.
Instead of carrying two contributions to buoyancy in moist air, as in Eq. (8.41) ,
we can write the gas law for moist air in terms of the gas constant for dry air, using
Eq. (8.40) :
ρR d T( 1
0 . 61 q).
Then if we define a virtual temperature T v for moist air as
T v =
T( 1
0 . 61 q),
the gas law (8.42) for moist air is
p = ρR d T v .
Physically, T v is the temperature of dry air having the same pressure and density as
moist air at temperature T .
is also traditional
to generalize the definition of potential
Eq. (8.21) ,to virtual potential temperature:
T v (z) p( 0 )
0 . 61 q) p( 0 )
c p
c p
θ v (z)
T( 1
θ( 1
0 . 61 q). (8.45)
It is a conserved variable (Problem 8.16) . Thus, in moist air we simply use the
deviation of virtual potential temperature, rather than potential temperature, as the
buoyancy variable in the equation of motion (8.34) .
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