Geoscience Reference
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6.6 Explain physically why molecular diffusion terms are absent in the filtered
Navier-Stokes and scalar conservation equations. What takes over their
important role in the variance budgets?
6.7 Explain why ensemble-averaged equations have no terms involving deriva-
tives in a homogeneous direction, but the space-averaged equations do. Why
is this important?
6.8 In what limit should the conservation equations for subfilter-scale fluxes,
Eqs. (6.71) and (6.73) , become their ensemble-averaged counterparts from
Chapter 5 ?
6.9 Outline and explain the concepts underlying LES. Contrast it to second-
moment modeling.
6.10 Explain why LES is considered to be an inherently more reliable form of
turbulence modeling than that based on the second-moment equations of
Chapter 5 .
6.11 Compare the computational requirements for LES and second-moment mod-
eling in the same problem - a horizontally homogeneous boundary layer, for
example. What can you conclude from this?
6.12 In view of your result in Question 6.11 , discuss how LES might be used to
improve second-moment modeling. In what applications might this approach
be useful?
6.13 Explain the advantages of placing the LES cutoff scale in the inertial
Prove that the running-mean filter in one dimension has the filter function
given in Eq. (6.9) .
Show that for the filter (6.1)
∂u r
∂x ;
i.e., that it commutes with spatial differentiation.
Prove that the wave-cutoff filter in one dimension satisfies the constraint
(6.21) .
Derive and interpret the equations for the variance of the resolvable and
subfilter-scale parts of a conserved scalar. Discuss the variance budget in the
inertial subrange of spatial scales.
Discuss the difference between , the scale of the spatial filter, and g ,
the mesh size of the spatial grid on which the filtered equations are solved
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