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transport, and pressure transport; on the right are tilting production, gradient pro-
duction, and pressure destruction. The gradient production term is interesting in
that it produces a scalar flux that need not be in the direction of the gradient; we
can call this a “tensor diffusivity” term (Problem 6.29) .
6.6.3 Modeling subfilter-scale fluxes
As with any turbulence moment equations, Eqs. (6.71) - (6.73) involve further
unknowns and cannot be solved directly. But they can provide useful insight into
modeling the subfilter-scale fluxes.
Lilly's ( 1967 ) “first-order theory” for Eq. (6.71) in effect assumes a quasi-steady,
locally homogeneous state in which the rates of gradient production and pressure
destruction of τ ij are in balance. If we write this as
τ ij
2 e
3 ˜
s ij
T s ,
with T s a time scale, this yields the eddy-viscosity model
2 e
3 T s ˜
τ ij
s ij
s ij .
Lilly suggested that the Smagorinsky ( 1963 ) model for eddy viscosity K be used,
(k) 2 D
,D 2
s ij ˜
s ij ,
with the grid-mesh spacing (interpreted today as the filter cutoff scale) and k
a constant. By requiring that the spectrum of the resolved motion near the cutoff
follow the Kolmogorov inertial subrange form ( Chapter 7 ), Lilly showed that k is
related to the inertial subrange velocity spectral constant (now generally known as
the Kolmogorov constant α
1 . 5) by
0 . 23 α 3 / 4
0 . 17 .
Lilly ( 1967 ) also sketched out a “second-order theory” for Eq. (6.71) . It includes
time-change and advection but again not the tilting-production terms, so it continues
to make the subgrid deviatoric stress τ ij
proportional to the resolved strain-rate
s ij . Whether his neglect of tilting production here or in the first-order theory
that gave Eq. (6.75) was intentional is not clear from his paper.
The “WET” model ( Chapter 5 ) used later in second-order closure has this spirit.
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