Geoscience Reference
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(5.26) of a conserved scalar diffusing to or from the surface is observed to be neg-
ligible. In this case the budget reduces to a simple balance between mean-gradient
production and molecular destruction,
2 wc ∂C
∂x j
∂x j
∂z =−
χ c =−
2 γ
0 .
Thus here the global constraint of Eq. (5.15) becomes a local one that requires wc
and ∂C/∂z to be of opposite sign.
In the steady flow downstream of a heated grid in a wind tunnel, the turbulent
transport of temperature variance is also negligible and the budget reduces to a
balance between streamwise mean advection and molecular destruction:
U ∂c 2
∂x =−
χ c .
This provides a way of inferring χ c from the rate of change of c 2 with downstream
distance, which can be simpler and more reliable than measuring it directly from
its definition (5.12) ( Part III ).
5.4 The scalar flux and Reynolds stress budgets
5.4.1 The cu i budget
The same derivation procedure, plus scaling arguments for the molecular terms
(Appendix), yields the turbulent scalar flux budget:
∂cu i
U j ∂cu i
∂x j
( mean advection )
u j u i ∂C
∂x j
( mean-gradient production )
cu j ∂U i
∂x j
( tilting production )
∂cu i u j
∂x j
( turbulent transport )
c ∂p
∂x i
( pressure-gradient interaction )
ν) ∂u i
∂x j
∂x j
( molecular destruction ).
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