Biology Reference
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Dioscoreales. The existence of septal nectaries in Burmanniaceae , Dio-
scoreaceae , and Nartheciaceae appears to be of limited systematic
importance, since they are mostly present, but are also lacking in the same
group (Daumann, 1970; Smets et al., 2000; Caddick et al., 2002; Rudall, 2002;
Remizowa et al., 2006). The frequent loss of septal nectaries in this order was
suggested to be related to certain modes of pollinator attraction, such as flo-
ral deceit (Smets et al., 2000).
Liliales. The absence of septal nectaries, i.e., complete fusion of carpel mar-
gins, represents a highly consistent and usefully predictive synapomorphy
for this order (Rudall et al., 2000; Rudall, 2002). At the same time, while
tepal nectaries are relatively rare in monocots, they are frequent in Liliales
(Brown, 1938) where they have been reported for Alstroemeriaceae
(Daumann, 1970), Campynemataceae (Rudall & Eastman, 2002), Colchica-
ceae (Daumann, 1970; Nordenstam, 1998), Corsiaceae (Rudall & Eastman,
2002), Liliaceae (Daumann, 1970; Nordenstam, 1982; Kaniki & Persson,
1997; Rudall et al., 2000), Luzuriagaceae (Conran & Clifford, 1998a),
Melanthiaceae (Tamura, 1998), Philesiaceae (Conran & Clifford, 1998b),
Rhipogonaceae (Conran, 1998), and Smilacaceae (Conran, 1998). These
tepal nectaries represent a synapomorphy linked with the presence of mainly
three-traced tepals (Rudall et al., 2000; Smets et al., 2000). Tepal nectaries
take various forms in this order: relatively undifferentiated secretory epider-
mises; small, depressed areas fringed with hairs; or bulbous spur-like sacs
(Khaniki & Persson, 1997; Rudall et al., 2000).
Pandanales. Cyclanthaceae , Pandanaceae , and Stemonaceae lack nectar-
ies (Caddick et al., 2002); Cyclanthaceae is mainly cantharophilous
(Gottsberger, 1991), and Pandanaceae either wind-pollinated or insect-
pollinated but devoid of nectar. Pollen or food bodies are the offered rewards
(Cox, 1990). On the other hand, Velloziaceae is reported to have septal nec-
taries (Menezes, 1973) and Triuridaceae taxa often have the inner side of
the tepals covered with papillae, trichomes, or a raised glandular tissue along
the midrib (Maas-van der Kamer & Weustenfeld, 1998) that may be inter-
preted as tepal nectaries.
Dasypogonaceae. Members of this family have septal nectaries (Rudall,
2002), although they may be absent or reduced to gynopleural slits (Smets
et al., 2000).
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