Biology Reference
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Figure 7. Floral nectary of Linaria vulgaris (A, B) and Helleborus foetidus (C, D), semithin-
sections under bright light (A, C stained with PAS and TBO, see Table 2) and hand sections
under UV light (B, D). In both species the main fluorescence of chlorophyll (i.e., the presence
of chloroplasts) is located in the subnectary parenchyma where the main branch of vascular
bundles is present. np = nectary parenchyma; snp = subnectary parenchyma; vb = vascular
bundles. A, B, D bar = 400 µm, C bar = 150 µm.
& Hodges, 1980) and the mechanism of sucrose transport in plants is also
known to involve ATPase (Giaquinta, 1979), thus druses and raphides may
immobilize calcium in the nectary where active sugar transport is presuma-
bly occurring. Another putative function of calcium oxalate crystals in the
parenchyma cells of Glycine max floral nectaries was descibed by Horner
et al. (2003): these crystals sequester calcium during nectary development,
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