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divergence of nectaries within angiosperms (Lee et al., 2005b; Thornburg
2007, Chapter 6 in this volume).
At the end of this chapter, it may be apparent that the world of floral nec-
taries is certainly fascinating, a world intimately connected to plant-animal
interactions and to plant reproductive biology. Also obvious may be the
inevitable association of nectaries with plant anatomy, morphology, deve-
lopment, and systematics. All these fields have to be linked so that we may
understand the biology and evolution of nectaries, paradoxical structures
both simple and complex at the same time. Although a great deal has been
done in the last century, much more needs to be added. May the present sur-
vey help to increase the attention devoted to nectaries and bury definitely
Brown's (1938, p. 550) first sentence in his fundamental work:
Nectaries have aroused very little interest among botanists and
their study has been largely neglected.
Adler, L. (2000). The ecological significance of toxic nectar. Oikos , 91 , 409-420.
Aizen, M.A. (2003). Influences of animal pollination and seed dispersal on winter flowering
in a temperate mistletoe. Ecology , 84 , 2613-2627.
Aizen, M.A. (2005). Breeding system of Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae), a winter-
flowering mistletoe from the southern Andes. Australian Journal of Botany , 53 , 357-361.
Aldasoro, J.J., Aedo, C., & Navarro, C. (2000). Insect attracting structures on Erodium petals
(Geraniaceae). Plant Biology , 2 , 471-481.
Allain, L.K., Zavada, M.S., & Matthews, D.G. (1999).The reproductive biology of Magnolia
grandiflora. Rhodora , 101 , 143-162.
Almeida, A.M., & Figueiredo, R.A. (2003). Ants visit nectaries of Epidendrum denticulatum
(Orchidaceae) in a Brazilian rainforest: effects on herbivory and pollination. Brazilian
Journal of Biology , 63 , 551-558.
Ancibor, E. (1969). Los nectarios florales en Leguminosas-Mimosoideas. Darwiniana , 15 ,
Anderson, G.J. (1995). Plant systematics and reproductive biology. Monographs in Systematic
Botany of the Missouri Botanical Garden , 53 , 263-272.
Anderson, G.J., Bernardello, G., Crawford, D. & Stuessy, T. (2000a). Reproductive biology
of Wahlenbergia (Campanulaceae) endemic to Robinson Crusoe Island (Chile). Plant Sys-
tematics and Evolution , 223 , 109-123.
Anderson, G.J., Bernardello, G., Lopez, P.S., Stuessy, T.F. & Crawford D. (2000b). Dioecy
and wind pollination in Pernettya rigida (Ericaceae) of the Juan Fernández Islands.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 132 , 121-141.
Anderson, G.J., Bernardello, G., Stuessy, T.F., & Crawford, D. (2001). Breeding systems and
pollination of selected plants endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands. American Journal of
Botany , 88 , 220-233.
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