Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Smoothie Garden Solution
When making compost, you want to have a balance of green and
brown material. Too much green material will attract flies and give
your compost a strong odor; too much brown material will slow
down the decomposition of the pile.
Moisture is another important aspect to consider when making
compost. The amount of moisture needs to be high, so make sure
you add water to your compost regularly. Never let your compost
pile dry out, especially in the summer months. Keeping the pile
covered will keep the sun from drying it out as well as preventing the
rain from making it too wet. Here's a way to check to see if your pile
has the proper amount of moisture. Take a handful of compost from
the middle of the pile, and if it is crumbling and slightly moist to the
touch, there is enough moisture. If it forms a hard ball, the pile is
too wet.
The moisture in the pile will allow air, which is also needed in the
decomposing process, to filter in. Turning your pile will also allow
more air circulation, and is especially important if your pile is too
wet. A lot of gardeners never turn their compost and that method
does work; however, taking the time to turn your pile over regularly
will hasten the decomposition process.
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