Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
MOLYBDENUM Distorted leaves,
curling at leaf
edges, yellowish
outer leaves.
Low pH (acidic soil).
Add lime in the
A soil test can tell you the soil pH and reveal any nutrient deficien-
cies. The soil test will give you an idea of what nutrients are needed
and how much to add to your soil to raise them to an optimum level.
If you do not want to incur the expense of a soil test, closely observe
your vegetable plants for indications of what they may be missing.
Note the problem in your journal so you can plan to make the neces-
sary changes or additions to your garden beds next season.
Smoothie Garden Solution
Calcium in your soil is essential for growing crunchy cucumbers.
Side-dress your cucumber plants with bone meal, gypsum, rock
phosphate, or dolomite lime to add in calcium. Pick the cucumbers
young; the older they get, the less crunchy they are.
If you observe your plants regularly, you'll be able to tell when
there's something wrong. Adding in amendments, fertilizers, or com-
post teas can easily correct worrying symptoms in your vegetable
What's Wrong with My Plants?
The following table will help you identify what could be causing prob-
lems with your vegetable plants and offers some solutions.
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