Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Smoothie Garden Solution
To make limp celery crispy again, cut off the end of the stalk and
stand it upright in a jar or vase of cold water. Place it in your refri-
gerator and leave it in the water until it becomes crispy again.
Then store it in a sealed plastic bag or airtight container in the
There are a wide variety of cucumbers to choose from. They are easy
to grow, so cucumbers are a great choice for any gardener. They are
a perfect vegetable for growing in containers. The three most com-
mon types of cucumbers are the long English varieties, which have
an edible peel; the slicing varieties, which have a harder peel that is
usually not eaten; and small cucumbers used for pickling. Cucum-
bers are a climbing vegetable plant; they do best if grown on a trel-
lis. This allows air to circulate around the plant and light to reach the
fruit, which will help to prevent pests and diseases. If the fruit is
touching the ground, it will often rot before it matures.
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