Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
for lighter loads, then a lightweight plastic or cloth type may work
better for you. When purchasing a wheelbarrow, take the time to
push it around in the store. If it feels heavy for you when it is empty,
go for a model that is more lightweight. It will only get heavier when
you fill it up!
Garden Hose
No matter how small your garden is, you will be less likely to water
your plants adequately if you have to pack water. Make sure you
have a water source nearby. Your garden hose should be able to
reach the far end of your garden. Hoses come in different lengths
and can be easily connected together to make a length that works
for your garden site.
Hoses come in a variety of styles and are usually a half inch to one
inch in diameter. The bigger the hose diameter, the faster the water
will come through, although this may vary depending on your water
pressure. Choose a no-kink hose so you can easily move it around
without it twisting and disrupting your water flow. Purchase the best
quality hose you can afford. You can spend a lot of money on hose
carriers and systems to roll them up; what you choose will depend
on your garden site.
Smoothie Garden Solution
Make up a transplanting kit with some tools from your house. Your
kit should include small scissors for thinning seedlings, a teaspoon
to move a tiny transplant from one pot to another, a wooden
spoon for making holes for seedlings, tweezers for picking up tiny
seeds, and a salt shaker for sowing tiny seeds.
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