Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Top Gardening Tools
Planting and tending your vegetable garden is easier and a lot
more fun if you are working with the right tools for the job. If
you are a novice gardener, you will only need some basic tools
that are usually fairly inexpensive and easy to find. This
chapter details the top garden tools, tips on how to choose
them, the importance of keeping your tools clean, and methods
for sharpening them.
Choosing the Right Tool
In vegetable gardening, there are some basic tasks that require some
basic tools. Vegetable gardening is definitely a hands-on activity, so
prepare to get your hands dirty! The basic tasks start in the spring
with digging the garden beds, getting them ready for planting, mov-
ing amendments and debris to and from the garden site, planting the
seeds for transplants, watering, harvesting, and making compost.
Basic gardening tools can be purchased at garden centers, hard-
ware stores, and garage sales or flea markets. If you purchase them
secondhand, just make sure they are in good shape. Try to set a
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