Environmental Engineering Reference
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sted biography is Laura Woods Roper, FLO: A Biography of Frederick Law Olmsted
( Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983).
29. Communication of N. Michler, Major of Engineers, to the Chairman of the
Committee of Public Buildings and Grounds, relative to a suitable site for a public
park and presidential mansion, Sen. Doc. No. 21 to Accompany S. 549, 39th Cong.,
2nd Session, 1867, 1, 2.
30. Ibid., 2.
31. Ibid., 2, 3.
32. For writings of Charles Eliot, who played a seminal role in promoting metro-
politan reservations, see [Massachusetts] Trustees of Public Reservations, First
Annual Report of the Trustees of Public Reservations, 1891 (Boston: George H.
Ellis, 1892); [Massachusetts] Metropolitan Park Commision, Report of the Metro-
politan Park Commissioners, January 1893 (Boston, 1893); Charles W. Eliot, Charles
Eliot, Landscape Architect (Houghton Mifflin, 1903). For more on Boston's Metro-
politan Park System, see Schuyler, The New Urban Landscape, 143-146; Norman
Newton, Design on the Land:The Development of Landscape Architecture (Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1971), 318-336; Mel Scott, American City Planning since 1890 (Uni-
versity of California Press. 1969), 17-26. For broader examinations of the origins
of the national park system, see Al Runte, National Parks: The American Experience,
second edition (University of Nebraska Press, 1987); John Ise, Our National Park
Policy: A Critical History ( Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961).
33. The Olmsted Brothers' firm was engaged to produce a landscape management
document for the park in 1917.While the ensuing document (“Rock Creek Park:
A Report by the Olmsted Brothers, December 1918,” original manuscript in
Department of Interior Library, Washington) has repeatedly been cited by subse-
quent park managers, few of its recommendations have ever been adopted. For
more detailed overviews of Rock Creek Park's early development, see Timothy
Davis, “Rock Creek Park Road System,” Historic American Engineering Record
Report No. DC-55 (National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, 1996);
Barry Mackintosh, Rock Creek Park:An Administrative History (Washington: Division
of History, National Park Service, 1985), 1-45; Bushong, Rock Creek Park Historic
Resource Study, 61-121.
34. Classic overviews of the City Beautiful movement include William H.Wilson,
The City Beautiful Movement ( Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989); Scott, Ameri-
can City Planning, 1-109; Newton, Design on the Land, 400-426.
35. Glen Brown, ed., Papers Relating to the Improvement of the City of Washington, Dis-
trict of Columbia (Government Printing Office, 1901).The Senate Park Commission's
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