Environmental Engineering Reference
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When a human body is laid out over the floor plan of the home a sur-
prising (not really!) coincidence is noted: the energy chakras of both body
and home overlap. The feet are elevated, as we would recline after a brisk
walk, into the guest room where the dust of the feet of our guests is wiped
clean; the lower chakras.
The entry to the home, the entry to the body, the sexual opening faces
east, faces rebirth, rejuvenation, the coming light and opens triumphantly,
liberated into a three-story skylit foyer, a place of making decisions. “Ah
now, which way will I go?” In this, the central chakra, yin and yang, female
and male, curvilinear and angular meet and mingle and merge. Balance in
all things is suggested as one enters, on the ground, over stone, humble and
small but looking up and up through the glass to the light, to the sky, to the
stars; infinite and finite at once.
The dining room is under the stomach where we are reminded to nour-
ish the body and the soul, where we are fed real food of organic design,
where we are designed of organic reality.The dining room opens westward
to a sheltered patio and court. Set deeper yet than the entry, the dining
room serves an even deeper holistic need, that of nourishment. Like King
Arthur's court, the dining table is round, by choice, to not distinguish a
head. All are one.
As the floor steps down toward the creek, the volumetric energies of
each upper space flow down into and mix with the next. Like a brook with
small waterfalls, the chi cascades down and eddies into each space, magni-
fying the cumulative whole.
Functioning under the same principals as a dam, a curved, twelve-foot
tall limestone wall captures the accumulated energies and holds them back.
The living room level is cradled against the stone wall as is the fireplace, the
heart, the hearth of the home. Sitting comfortably in the light colored fab-
rics of the couches and chairs the energies are breathed in deeply, almost
like being able to breathe under water.
A 4-inch slit of rose-colored stained glass, centered perfectly with the
home's geometry, functions as a laser beam focusing the built up energies
into the lowest space, the Transformation Room.The creek and ponds just
feet away from this level serve as a deep gravity field, a well of energetic
The Transformation Room itself is a chapel. Based on the Golden Sec-
tion and natural geometric progressions, an inspiring harmony of perfect
proportions maintains the high vibrational level of the space. Having a
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