Environmental Engineering Reference
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14. Bernard Rudofsky, Architecture without Architects (Doubleday, 1964); Art Boer-
icke and Barry Shapiro, Handmade Houses: A Guide to the Woodbutcher's Art (A&W
Visual Library, 1973).
15. Steen et al., The Straw Bale House.
16. David Eisenberg, “Code Officials Speak Their Minds,” The Last Straw 14
(1996), spring.
17. Leroy Sayre, “One from the Top,” The Last Straw 14 (1996), spring.
18. Norm Ballinger, “Permitted in Austin,” 1996.
19. Matts Myhrman, “Ruminations of a Straw-Bale Romantic,” The Last Straw 14
(1996), spring, 15.
20. They are potentially in danger of extinction, as large growers have moved to
the large round bales and large square bales.These are not new options, but rejected
options of the past before automation of agribusiness.
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