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wasser each rail against modernism (of whose progressivism they liberally partake),
while insignificant, though well-paid, cunning, and famous, minions of “post-
modernism” will gather allies anywhere outside the modernist camp.
14. Soleri's writings include Arcosanti:An Urban Laboratory? (third edition: Cosanti,
1993); Technology and Cosmogenesis, co-authored by Scott M. Davis (Paragon, 1986);
Paolo Soleri's Earth Casting: For Sculpture, Models and Construction (Peregrine-Smith,
1984); Space for Peace (Cosanti Foundation, 1984); Fragments—A Selection from the
Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri (Harper and Row, 1981); The Omega Seed: An Eschatolog-
ical Hypothesis (Doubleday Anchor, 1981); The Bridge between Matter and Spirit Is
Matter Becoming Spirit (Doubleday Anchor, 1973); The Sketchbooks of Paolo Soleri
(MIT Press, 1971); Arcology: The City in the Image of Man (MIT Press, 1969); and
Archetipi Cosanti—Paolo Soleri Architetto (booklet, 1956).
15. Ralph Blumenthal,“Futuristic Visions in the Desert,” New York Times, February
1, 1987.
16. For a complete exposition of the following argument see: Harry Rand, Frieden-
sreich Hundertwasser (Taschen Verlag, 1991; abridged edition 1993). A short bibliog-
raphy of materials dealing with this architectural position: Das Hundertwasser Haus
Österreichischer (Bundesverlag/Compress Verlag, 1985); Michael T. Turkiewicz, Ein
Haus (M.T.T. Eigenverlag, 1987); Hametner/Melzer/Spiola, Das Hundertwasser-
Haus (Orac, 1988); Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Gemeinsam einen Schritt zu Gott Sankt
Barbara: Die Kirche in Bärnbach/Steiermark (Róm.-katholisches Pfarramt, 1989);
Pierre Restany, The Power of Art: Hundertwasser—The Painter-King with the 5 Skins
(Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1998).
17. On the role of trade, see Jane Jacobs, Cities and the Wealth of Nations (Random
House, 1984); N.B. “Faulty Feedback to Cities.”
18. For a good survey of the history of underground urban railways, see Benson
Bobrick, Labyrinth of Iron (Holt, 1994).There has yet to be written a sufficient essay
on the effect of building these mazy complexes that network domestic neighbor-
hoods with business districts, connect shopping zones with consumers, and, more
recently, lace together nodes of regional and air transportation with local travel.
19. For example, street lighting is far more efficiently utilized in a dense urban sit-
uation than along a country lane or a town center. For a fine examination of the
efforts to achieve this lighting see Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Disenchanted Night (Uni-
versity of California Press, 1983 and 1988).
20. For a discussion of Boston as a dynamically planned city, see John Brinckerhoff
Jackson, American Space (Norton, 1972), especially chapter 4.4.
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