Database Reference
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Figure 3.1. Network topologies
most of the data processing techniques do not depend on the specific
routing tree. Instead, the resulting network should have the following
two properties:
1 It should be able to deliver query requests to all nodes in the
2 It should be able to transmit data from every node to the base
TinyDB [7], TAG [13], CONCH [10] and HAT [11] are based on the tree-
based topologies. In addition, some algorithms require that the routing
protocol generates no data duplication during transmission [13].
3.2 Multi-Path-Based Topology
In a multi-path-based topology [12], each node has multiple children
and parents. A sensor receives data from its children, processes the data
and broadcasts the partial results to all its parents. Consequently, a
message reaches the base station through multiple paths, increasing the
possibility for data to be successfully delivered. However, if several copies
of a reading reach the base station through different paths, duplication
arises and the algorithm has to take care of it. A popular multi-path-
based topology is Rings [14], where each node works in a certain level.
The topology is constructed iteratively starting from the base station
n 0 , which is in level l 0 = 0. To initiate the construction procedure, n 0
broadcasts a signal m 0 , which contains the level information of itself,
i.e., m 0 .level =0. Onhearing m 0 , a node n i checks the level l i of itself.
If l i has not been assigned yet, n i assigns l i as m 0 .level + 1, i.e., one
level lower than its parent. Otherwise, l i is already assigned, n i sets l i
to min
, i.e., to be as close to the base station n 0 as
possible. After updating its level information, n i broadcasts a signal q i
with q i .level = l i to its neighborhood. This procedure keeps propagating
until the level information of all nodes is stable. As a result, each node
l i ,m 0 .level +1
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