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data streams. The linear regression model of a data segment is given as:
v i = s
t i + b,
where b and s are known as the base and the slope respectively. The
difference between v i and t i is known as the residual for time t i .For
fitting a linear regression model of Eq. (2.15) to the sensor values v i :
t i
[ t b ; t e ], the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is employed. The
OLS estimator selects b and s such that they minimize the following sum
of squared residuals:
t e
t i + b )] 2 .
RSS ( b,s )=
[ v i
( s
t i = t b
Therefore, b and s are given as:
v i ,
t e
t b + t e
t i
b =
t t i = t b ( t i
t b + t e
) t i
t i = t b
s = t t i = t b v i
b t b + t e
t e − t b +1
Here, the storage record of each data segment of the data stream consists
of ([ t b ; t e ]; b,s ), where [ t b ; t e ] is the segment interval, and s and b are the
slope and base of the linear regression, as obtained from Eq. (2.16).
Similarly, instead of the linear regression model, a polynomial regres-
sion model (refer Eq. (2.9)) can also be utilized for approximating each
segment of the data stream. The storage record of the polynomial regres-
sion model is similar to the linear regression model. The only difference
is that for the polynomial regression model the storage record contains
parameters α 1 ,...,α d instead of the parameters b and s .
5.4 Compressing Correlated Data Streams
Several approaches [14, 42, 24] exploit correlations among different
data streams for compression. The GAMPS approach [24] dynami-
cally identifies and exploits correlations among different data segments
and then jointly compresses them within an error bound employing a
polynomial-time approximation algorithm. In the first phase, data seg-
ments are individually approximated based on piecewise constant ap-
proximation (specifically the PMC-Mean described in Section 5.3). In
the second phase, each data segment is approximated by a ratio with
respect to a base segment. The segment formed by the ratios is called
the ratio segment. GAMPS proposes to store the base segment and the
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